On 21st December 2025, a movie screening of Jai Bhim was organized by the Cultural Committee at Seminar Hall, BCT Law College, starting at 10 AM. Over 60 students from the BALLB and LLB programs were present for the event. The program was conducted under the guidance of I/C Principal Sanavi Deshmukh and in the presence of Mrs. Dhaneshree Kadam, the BALLB Coordinator.
The film Jai Bhim highlights critical issues such as custodial violence and the wrongful charges of theft placed on a tribal man. It showcases the victim's tragic death in police custody and emphasizes the role of an advocate in fighting for justice. The lawyer files a writ of habeas corpus in the High Court, challenging the illegal detention and torture faced by the victim. The movie portrays how the court, after thoroughly understanding the matter, delivered a judgment in favour of the victim’s wife, symbolizing hope for justice for the marginalized.
The screening served as an insightful and educational experience for students, emphasizing the importance of human rights, the role of lawyers, and the judiciary’s responsibility in ensuring justice. The event fostered deep discussions on legal advocacy, custodial justice, and the crucial need to protect the rights of vulnerable individuals in society. The anchoring was done by Mrunal Patekar, a 3rd-year BALLB student.
The program was a significant learning opportunity, encouraging students to understand the practical application of legal principles in real-life cases, while also raising awareness about the ongoing fight for justice within the legal system.